Transformative Prayers

Transformative PrayersPray about a person’s situation and there will be a change in the situation, but not in the person. Pray for a person’s transformation and there will be changes in the person and in his/her situation. Many inmates have asked us to pray for them to be released from jail or prison. When we prayed for them to be released, God told us to stop. He had those inmates in jails and prisons where he could work with them. We were trying to use our prayers and faith to come against the work of God because we did not know what he was doing. If a plan comes from men, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to stop it (Acts 5:38-39). Can you imagine God telling you to stop praying? Just pray in the spirit when you do not know his will, and the Spirit will help you.

Pray for people to be healed and delivered, and they will be healed and delivered this time. But what about the next time they need healing and deliverance? Will they be able to stand on their own faith or will they need to come back to you for prayer? If you pray for people to be transformed, they will be healed and delivered this time and the next time, as well. Help the people grow in faith and in a personal relationship with the Lord.

Many people pray about problems being resolved, but who is praying for transformation? If you have influence in a person’s life, then you have authority and responsibility to pray for transformation for him/her, as well. Prayers of kingdom leaders are proactive and transformative, rather than simply reacting to situations. You can always pray for people to be transformed from glory to glory, but you need to know God’s plan on how to pray for each individual. In this study, you will learn how prayers can help transform lives into the image of Christ.

Introducing Transformative Prayers

Transformation focuses on maturing and equipping believers so they can do the work for which they are called. The goal is to transform every person into the image of Christ (Colossians 1:28). The transformation process involves teaching, admonishing, praying and interceding for the people, but it is a supernatural process made possible through God’s word and the Spirit’s power working in those who are maturing and equipping people. “For this purpose, also I labor, striving according to his power, which mightily works within me” (Colossians 1:29). “My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19). The transformation process is not a random process with every person solely responsible for his/her own transformation. Instead, God’s leaders have an important role in bringing every person into completion in Christ.

It is God who transforms believers into the image of Christ. You can ask for his guidance on how to pray for them. Ask and he will give you prayers that will open the door in the lives of believers so he can transform them. We call these prayers transformative prayers because they are aimed at transforming lives rather than simply changing circumstances.

There are better ways to pray for any person than what believers can ask or imagine on their own. Ask the Lord for his Spirit’s guidance on how to pray.  When Paul was beaten, imprisoned and chained, he considered these things to be momentary light afflictions. If you were in his situation, would you not pray for release from prison and vindication for the wrongs suffered? Rather than focusing on these things Paul considered the eternal weight of glory as more important. He wrote, “Momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17). He praised the Lord in the prison despite the difficult circumstances in which he found himself. Keep your eyes on the most important things. Moses persisted in faith because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible (Hebrews 11:27). You will be able to persevere when you keep your eyes on him who is invisible, Jesus. He will always point you to the most important things which are above. Transformative prayers focus on the supernatural realm, rather than the natural realm. Here are some important spiritual prayers which Jesus and Paul prayed. These will help readers understand transformative prayers.

A Transformative Prayer for All Believers by Jesus

Jesus prayed a rich and broad prayer for all believers. He prayed for believers in all generations before he went to the cross. His prayer addressed oneness, glory, unity, and love (John 17:20-25). He prayed with purpose. The purpose for his praying this way was so that the world would believe.

  1. Oneness: Jesus prayed for a oneness among all believers (John 17:21). He desired that believers would be one with the Father and one with him just like the relationship he has with the Father. When believers are one spirit with the Father and Jesus, they become one spirit with others of the same spirit.
  2. Glory: As Jesus prayed he expressed his desire that believers share his glory. “The glory which you have given me I have given to them” (John 17:22). The glory manifests the presence of Christ and his Spirit in the lives of believers.
  3. Unity: Jesus made provision for the great multitude of every race, tongue, and class to be saved. He prayed that they would overcome their diverse backgrounds and be united in faith and Spirit (John 17:23). He wanted all believers to have one heart and one mind. It’s the work of the cross that provides the way for all of us to come to God, so none has grounds to boast about his/her own background.
  4. Love: Jesus desired for the world to know the love of God that flows through believers. He prayed that all would know the Father loves us just as he loves his Son (John 17:23). It’s the unconditional love of Christ that motivates us to keep the unity of the faith and the Spirit.

The great desires which Jesus has for believers are clearly seen in this prayer. Do you share the desires of his heart for all believers, or do your desires come more from the world?

Transformative Prayers for the Ephesians by Paul

Paul prayed two transformative prayers for believers in Ephesus. Those believers were known for suffering many hardships and falling from their first love (Revelation 2:1-7). Instead of praying about the hardships or other problems, he prayed they would be given a spirit of wisdom and revelation and the eyes of their heart would be open (Ephesians 1:17-23). He prayed they would be strengthened with the Spirit’s power, filled with the presence of Christ and rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:14-19). These same prayers can be prayed for all believers. Only the Spirit knows which prayer would fulfill God’s will and bring forth his glory.


Be God’s vessel to help transform lives. Ask and he will give you strategic prayers to open the door in the lives of others so he can transform them into the image of Christ. Such transformative prayers are aimed at transforming lives rather than simply changing situations.

Study Questions

#1 What is your purpose for praying?

#2 What hinders your prayer life?

#3 Who could you influence with your prayers if you earnestly prayed?

#4 How can you help others become more like Christ?

#5 How can you have a more effective prayer life?