Freeing the Oppressed

Freeing the OppressedOpenly declare deliverance and let the oppressed go free. Pick up the wounded and those that have been abused, and undo their heavy burdens. It’s not you, but Christ within you doing the work. Shine the light of redemption upon their lives. Move with exactness and crush the head of the enemy with God’s word. Peter and John freed the oppressed man sitting at the gate called Beautiful who had been crippled all of his life (Acts 3:1-8). They gave him what they had, which was the anointing on God’s word and faith in the name of Jesus, and they moved him into action. When he did not move fast enough for Peter, he grabbed him by the hand and pulled him to his feet. The man went into the temple with them, walking, leaping, and praising God. In this chapter, you will discover how to be used of the Spirit in bringing freedom to those who are oppressed.

Introducing Freedom from Oppression

Kingdom leaders confront evil and its consequences to heal those who are broken by external calamities or by their own sinfulness. The Spirit anointed Jesus to “set free those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). He did not just proclaim freedom, but he actually set the people free. Let the power of God flow through you to heal the brokenness and make the people complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28-29). No more brokenness! It is only by the power of God that you are able to bring forth redemption, restoration, and reconciliation.

As Jesus ministered on the earth, he freed those who were oppressed. A crippled man at the pool of Bethesda could not receive his healing even when an angel stirred the waters for healing because others would get into the water before him (John 5:7). Only the first in the pool after the angel stirred the waters would be healed. Jesus told him to “Get up, pick up your pallet and walk” (John 5:8-9). Immediately, he was healed. A blind beggar, Bartimaeus, asked Jesus to restore his sight. Jesus told him that his sight was restored by believing, and he regained his sight immediately (Mark 10:52). A woman crippled and bent over for 18 years came to a synagogue where Jesus was teaching. He told her, “Woman, you are freed from your sickness” (Luke 13:12-13). When he laid his hands on her, she was able to stand up straight. Jesus did not just talk about freedom. He actually set the people free from their burdens. Those who believe in Jesus can do what Jesus did.

3 Keys to Activating Faith in Others

Strong faith is needed by kingdom leaders and by those they are leading in order for the oppressed to be set free. Strong faith helps people know God better, overcome adversities, and live an abundant life. Faith needs to be continually strengthened. As discussed below, faith can be strengthened in three important areas: purging doubt, believing God’s word, and acting on faith by following the Spirit.

Purge Doubt to Purify Faith

Doubt comes from not knowing the truth about God’s word but believing lies which distort his word. Doubt in any area of a person’s life will contaminate all areas. A little leaven in bread dough leavens or spreads throughout the whole lump of dough (Galatians 5:9). Purge out the old leaven so you can be a new lump (1 Corinthians 5:7). For strong faith, all doubt has to be eliminated. Jesus taught if a person has faith and no doubt, then his/her faith will move mountains (Matthew 21:21; Mark 11:23). A mixture of faith and doubt is weak faith at best.

Believers are frequently exposed to thoughts, teachings, and actions that are contrary to faith in God’s word. If they are caught off guard by these things, seeds of doubt about God’s word can be planted in their lives. In the parable of wheat and weeds, the enemy planted weeds in a wheat field while the people were sleeping (Matthew 13:24-25). The people let down their guard against evil, and bad seeds were planted against them. It takes the fire of God to overcome bad seed.

Believers face a struggle within them between the carnal mind (flesh) and the spirit of man. The carnal mind opposes the things of God, while the spirit of man agrees with God. Believers are taught to put off the old man (carnal mind) and put on the new man (spirit) (Ephesians 4:22-24). A good way to help understand this struggle is to compare it to a turning coin, which is white on one side and black on the other. As long as the white side of the coin is on top the spirit of man rules over darkness. Whenever the coin flips over with the black side on top, the carnal mind dominates the person. Consider an example of how the coin can turn, showing two different natures in the same person. While a person is communing with the Lord, studying the word of God and/or meditating on the things of God, the white side of the coin is on top. However, when something or someone aggravates the person, the coin could flip over and expose the dark side through anger or other negative emotions. This turning coin can help us understand where doubt resides and how to deal with doubt. All doubt resides on the dark side with such things as unforgiveness, bitterness, and anxiety. All faith resides on the light side for the word of God which produces faith is light. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). A person can pursue the things of God and add to the light side of the coin. However, these actions do not negate the doubt that resides on the dark side. All doubt has to be purged out from the dark side by identifying it and applying the blood of Jesus to it. Doubt is purged by his blood so that even your conscience is cleansed (Hebrews 9:14).

Stir up Faith

The battle over oppression is in the mind. People can gird up the mind for battle by watching and praying for the Lord leads his troops into victory. When their thoughts, speech, and actions are right with God, no one will trouble, abuse or oppress them nor will they know fear and worries (Isaiah 54:14). The Lord will furnish his people with his strength and his ability.

Some people are living in the past, thinking on past hurts and difficult relationships, and some are living in the future fearing what ifs. Focusing on the past holds people in oppression and unforgiveness. Focusing on what might happen in the future brings fear and anxiety. People’s thoughts determine whether they are in the present moment with the Lord. Focusing on past hurts and broken relationships hinder their faith which operates only in the now. God is in the present moment, and faith is now.

In Jesus’ ministry, many were inspired to activate their own faith to receive healing and deliverance. Jesus told a woman who was sick for 12 years, “Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well” (Matthew 9:22). He told two blind men who wanted to see, “It shall be done to you according to your faith” (Matthew 9:29). Jesus never told anyone that my faith made you whole.

Kingdom leaders move people into the present moment so they can believe to experience God. Find out from the Spirit whether the people are living in the past, present or future. Encourage them to follow the Holy Spirit to stay in the now and in faith. Let them know it is time to let go of the things of the past and things that do not matter and move into the supernatural. Help them redeem the time.  Inspire them to live in the now and use their faith to bring the supernatural into the present.

Move People into Action

As a kingdom leader, do you stir the people or appease them? Appeasing the people will bring only death. Stirring the people will bring life and action. A good man will be satisfied with the godly thoughts and actions which his heart pursues (Proverbs 14:14). Move the people into action to free them from oppression.

Exercising faith strengthens it. James wrote that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). These works are not just performances like attending church services and singing songs, but they are actions relating directly to what the person believes. When Sherry and I pray for people who are oppressed to be healed, we tell them to do something that they could not do beforehand. Some paralyzed people began to walk even when it was a struggle at first. These actions related directly to what they believed, strengthening their faith.

There is a war going on between the forces of good and evil. If a person applies faith in the midst of a battle, his/her faith will emerge from the battle stronger than before. “So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7). It is not the battle that strengthens faith but using faith in the midst of a battle that strengthens it.

Through the Apostle Paul’s ministry, sick people were healed, the lame walked, the dead were raised and special miracles were performed. Believers are taught to follow Paul’s example and fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7). The good fight of faith is not just for oneself, but it reaches out to others, as well.

Teach people to celebrate every victory from the Lord. Even the smallest victory over such enemies as sickness, failure, and lack, is God’s pledge of complete victory. By recognizing that victory does not come by a person’s own strength but by the strength of Jesus Christ, he/she gathers more evidence from the unseen world and builds faith. Once the enemy begins to fall before God’s people, they can trust that complete victory is near. This spiritual principle was declared over Haman, an enemy of God’s people, shortly before he was executed (Esther 6:13). Encourage people to take pleasure in the smallest victories for they are the flavor and appetizer for more victories to come.


Redemption means deliverance from sin and freedom from bondage. “Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I may keep your precepts” (Psalm 119:134). Redemption is made possible by the blood of Jesus which was shed for all mankind (Ephesians 1:7). Truth with love brings redemption. Do not compromise the truth but embrace it, speak it, and live it in God’s love. The men who brought the adulteress to Jesus for judgment used the truth to condemn but offered no love (John 8:2-11). They only brought judgment. On the other hand, love without the truth causes deception and compromise to creep in, but Jesus offered both truth and love. He offered redemption to the adulteress, as well as everyone else.

Many are in bondage to addiction, poverty, sickness, etc. Spiritual judgment brings forth the righteousness of God and deliverance. Those who are spiritual judge all things by the Spirit and the truth of God’s word. “The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments” (1 Corinthians 2:15 NIV). These judgments lead to victory (Matthew 12:20).


Restoration means returning something to its original condition. Anything which has been destroyed by man or the devil can be restored by the Lord. He is the restorer of those things which are broken. The earth groans for his sons to show themselves (Romans 8:19-23). When his people are in their rightful position, they will have authority and power needed to bring restoration. He is placing his people in key positions to rule and restore that which is broken.

The Lord desires to bring restoration to each life. He will lead a person by the still waters and restore his/her soul (Psalm 23:1-2). Believe that the Lord will use you as a vessel to discern what is in the hearts of others to cleanse and restore righteousness. “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother” (Matthew 18:15). Even if he will not listen at first, God has a plan for reconciling that person to himself and to you (Matthew 18:16-17).

Those who are responsive to the guidance of the Spirit can restore those who have fallen. “If anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness” (Galatians 6:1). Provide the same gentle restoration that you would want to receive if you fell.


Reconciliation is salvation or peace between man and God, as well as among men. If a person has been injured or hurt by the words or deeds of others, the Lord will heal him/her. Let the Lord use you to pour the anointing oil into his/her wounds and bind up the brokenness in order to bring reconciliation of relationships.

Reconciliation is the message and ministry of kingdom leaders. God covers the body of Christ with reconciliation. Jesus by his death and resurrection has reconciled each of us to the Father. God “reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). You have been given the ministry of reconciliation which enables God to move and pour out his blessings through you. Forgiveness is the first part of reconciliation and blessing the other person is the second part. Both forgiveness and blessings are important.

Personal Story on Freedom

Many people have been oppressed and chained by the devil and his demons for a long time. There was a woman such as this in Mexico recently as Sherry ministered in a women’s meeting. She was oppressed of the devil and had tried to commit suicide four times. After the ministry of the word was finished, Sherry began to minister by the Spirit to the women. While the other women were prayed for as a group, this woman was prayed for individually. She fell on the floor and rolled around, screaming. Sherry saw the demonic spirit come out of the woman; and when it left, she became peaceful and calm. Her appearance and her attitude changed totally for the better. The next morning, she was singing, laughing and dancing. Jesus had set the oppressed free.


It is believers’ job to speak God’s word, to believe his word, and to act on his word, and it is God’s job to perform it. Wavering between faith and doubt is a hindrance which needs to be overcome in order for a person to be free from oppression. This hindrance can be overcome by gathering with people of faith and staying focused on what the word of God says rather than what man says. Help people possess their soul and stay steadfast in their words and in their actions.

Study Questions

It takes the Spirit’s power working through you to free the oppressed. Doubt in you and/or others will stop the flow of the power bringing freedom. Be an open vessel of God’s power and help others become an open vessel, as well.

#1 What are you doing to strengthen your own faith?

#2 What hinders faith in the people close to you?

#3 How can you help strengthen the faith of others?

#4 Who will you target to free from oppression?

#5 What is your plan for freeing someone from oppression?